Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CNavionicsMobileServicesMain class of the Navionics Mobile Services and is the entry point for all the available services
 CNMSCameraPositionCamera position parameters
 CNMSCircleA circle on the Earth's surface
 CNMSCoordinateBoundsRectangular bounding box on the Earth's surface
 CNMSGeoObjectAbstract class that represents a cartographic object
 CNMSGeoObjectCurrentRepresents a Current
 CNMSGeoObjectCurrentSamplesCurrent samples the samples are loaded as detailed data of the NMSGeoObjectCurrent. Contains all the current speeds, directions and icons for a predefined time interval
 CNMSGeoObjectPPRepresents a Panoramic Photo
 C<NMSGeoObjectResultsDelegate >Geo Object Retrieving Protocol
 CNMSGeoObjectStandardRepresents a standard cartographic object
 CNMSGeoObjectTideRepresents a Tide
 CNMSGeoObjectTideSamplesTide samples the samples are loaded as detailed data of the NMSGeoObjectTide. Contains all the tide height values and icons for a predefined time interval
 CNMSGroundOverlayAn image overlay on the Earth's surface
 CNMSMapSettingsDynamic settings of the map
 CNMSMapSettingsEditDynamic settings of the map
 CNMSMapViewView that contains the map. Only one map view can be active at any given time
 C<NMSMapViewDelegate >
 CNMSMarkerIcon placed at a particular point on the map's surface
 CNMSMutablePathDynamic array of CLLocationCoordinate2D
 CNMSOverlayAbstract class that represents some overlay that may be attached to a specific NMSMapView
 CNMSPathArray of CLLocationCoordinate2D
 CNMSPolygonA polygon on the Earth's surface
 CNMSPolylineA polyline on the Earth's surface
 CNMSSettingsNavionics Mobile SDK settings